Manufacturers and suppliers of modular buildings are on a mission to change the way people view these buildings. It’s very easy to associate them with the old style buildings we saw in the 80’s and 90’s: damp, cold and dreary.

The modern space frame builds are a far cry from those primitive structures, providing both comfort and versatility and they are a very real cost-effective alternative to traditional constructions, offering speed of installation, reduced disruption during construction, higher productivity, fewer transport movements, less waste and more recycling of materials in comparison to more traditional construction. They are also, importantly, more reliable in terms of thermal performance than their traditional comparators: the primary use of energy over the building’s life is its operational energy due to heating (and in some cases cooling). Modular buildings can be designed to be highly insulating and very air-tight, with a leakage rate of less than 2m3 /m2 /hr.

However, these buildings are still expensive and we have ways of assisting with the cash needs via Hire Purchase or Finance Lease; or, where needed, Operating Lease.